
Marketing Services

Synergesic Market Research Service

Advertising Research

With the advent of globalization, the world has become a global village and hence competition has become more intense. Advertisement plays a major role is making product stand out. It is very important for the company to launch right kind of an advertisement to build right brand image and product recall for consumers.

Synergesic provides its valuable services in guiding companies about their advertisements aired on TV,Radio and Print Media by conducting Ad Concept testing and Ad Pretesting so that a right kind of Advertisement is launched.

Similarly, it also undertakes Post Advertising Research and Campaign tracking to know the actual reaction of the consumers about the advertisement along with a brand’s performance, including brand awareness, brand preference, product usage and attitudes.

Synergesic measure emotional responses of the consumers by conducting market survey either by getting the questionnaires filled up or by conducting interview of the selected samples. Custom research is carried out by Synergesic by catering to the needs of the clients.Synergesic has varied experience in carrying out such research as it has many direct client for advertisement research and it is working in collaboration with many ad agencies.

The Services Offered:

  • Assistance in formulating Marketing Plan
  • Launching of New Products
  • Trouble shooting on Marketing Operations
  • Dealer Development Programs
  • Building of Marketing Organization
  • Marketing Audit for Retail Networks
  • Evaluation of Pharma Marketing Practices
  • New Product Launches
  • Product Pruning and Revivals
  • Marketing Communication Design
  • Marketing Recruitment
  • Brochure Design/ Packaging Design/ Newsletters
  • Due Diligence studies for companies trying to make tie ups
  • Strengthening the market position to increase market share

Our Advertising Research Services:

  • Ad Pre testing
  • Post Advertising Research
  • Advertisement Concept Testing
  • Campaign Tracking
  • Emotional Response
  • Custom Research